Flight operation support service

service flight operation support service

Providing information regarding pre-departure checks by the aircraft captain.

For the departure of handled flights, we perform tasks that include calculating and providing critical information relevant to pre-departure checks by the aircraft captain as stipulated by aviation regulations. This involves determining and providing the aircraft's takeoff weight, landing weight, and center of gravity position, as well as obtaining and providing meteorological and aeronautical information, and verifying the flight plan (flight plan). These tasks require advanced expertise and experience.

  • The calculation of aircraft takeoff weight, landing weight, and center of gravity position varies for each flight based on passenger numbers, distribution, luggage quantities, and loading positions, requiring advanced expertise and experience

    The calculation of aircraft takeoff weight, landing weight, and center of gravity position varies for each flight based on passenger numbers, distribution, luggage quantities, and loading positions, requiring advanced expertise and experience

  • Two pairs of teams proceed with double-checking each other's tasks. They work behind the scenes, unseen by customers, yet they are an indispensable team for safe operations.

    Two pairs of teams proceed with double-checking each other's tasks. They work behind the scenes, unseen by customers, yet they are an indispensable team for safe operations.

  • Every day, we monitor weather observations and forecasts not only at Kansai Airport but also at major airports throughout Japan.

    Every day, we monitor weather observations and forecasts not only at Kansai Airport but also at major airports throughout Japan.

  • We pay attention not only to conditions at airports but also to clouds, winds, temperatures, and turbulence along flight paths.

    We pay attention not only to conditions at airports but also to clouds, winds, temperatures, and turbulence along flight paths.